Fortnite OG brings a wave of nostalgia, taking players back to the Chapter 1 island with its classic POIs and a collection of legacy weapons that haven’t been seen in the loot pool for a long time. Now, with Fortnite OG’s second season, players can drop into Tilted Towers and use weapons from the original Season 2 loot pool, like the Minigun.
However, amidst the familiar content, one Legendary weapon makes a return—an iconic item that was only available for a brief period during Fortnite’s pre-season: the Zapotron. Here's how you can get your hands on this powerful weapon in Fortnite OG.
The Zapotron is a Legendary weapon that can be found in Supply Drops in Fortnite OG. Supply Drops, which appear at random locations during each circle, have their locations marked on the map, allowing players to track and reach them. During the time the Zapotron is available, the drop rates for Supply Drops are increased, making it easier to obtain this coveted weapon.
To secure the Zapotron, it’s best to rush to a Supply Drop as soon as it starts descending. However, these drops are highly competitive, as they contain valuable loot. While the Zapotron can be found in Supply Drops, it’s not guaranteed, as each drop may contain different items.
Additionally, the Zapotron can also be found in Chests, though this method is significantly rarer.
The weapon functions similarly to the Rail Gun, which appeared in Chapter 2 Season 7 and Chapter 6 Season 1. It has a charge-up mechanic, dealing 25 damage per shot when uncharged, but can deal up to 150 damage if fully charged, taking around two seconds. The Zapotron also boasts a 2.5x headshot multiplier, meaning it can deal between 125 and 375 total damage, depending on how long the charge lasts.

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