In Fallout 76, players often encounter various daily challenges that offer rewards in the form of S.C.O.R.E points. One of these challenges is "Eat a Cobbler, which is not a Pie," which can be a bit confusing due to the similarity in names between cobblers and pies. However, in the context of the game, cobblers are distinct consumable items that provide specific buffs. Here's how you can complete this challenge and earn your rewards.

Understanding Cobblers in Fallout 76

Cobblers in Fallout 76 are food items that offer health regeneration and other benefits. There are two types of cobblers relevant to this challenge:

  • Cranberry Cobbler: Provides +5% XP for 30 minutes and heals 1 HP/s for 25 seconds.

  • Starlight Berry Cobbler: Grants +1 END (Endurance) for 30 minutes and heals 1 HP/s for 25 seconds.

To complete various challenges and unlock better rewards in Fallout 76, understanding the function of specific items like cobblers is crucial. Cobblers are among the consumable Fallout 76 items that players can use to gain temporary buffs. For instance, eating a Cranberry Cobbler or a Starlight Berry Cobbler not only fulfills the "Eat a Cobbler, which is not a Pie" challenge but also provides health regeneration and boosts attributes such as experience gain or endurance. This highlights the importance of managing and leveraging Fallout 76 items effectively to progress through the game and maximize the benefits of daily challenges.

How to Complete the Challenge

To complete the "Eat a Cobbler, which is not a Pie" challenge, you need to craft and eat either a Cranberry Cobbler or a Starlight Berry Cobbler. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Crafting a Cranberry Cobbler

  1. Gather Ingredients:

    • Cranberries: These can be found in abundance at locations like Mac's Farm, Sunrise Field, and Aaronholt Homestead in the Cranberry Bog region.

    • Wood: You can collect wood from various locations such as Sylvie & Sons Logging Camp.

  2. Craft the Cobbler:

    • Go to a cooking station (available at your camp or other locations like the Overseer's Camp).

    • Select "Cranberry Cobbler" from the food menu and craft it using one cranberry and one wood.

  3. Eat the Cobbler:

    • Open your inventory, select the Cranberry Cobbler, and eat it to receive the buff and complete the challenge.

Crafting a Starlight Berry Cobbler

  1. Gather Ingredients:

    • Starlight Berries: These can be found in The Forest, particularly around Black Mountain Ordnance Works.

    • Wood: Same as above.

  2. Craft the Cobbler:

    • Follow the same steps as for the Cranberry Cobbler but use a Starlight Berry instead.

  3. Eat the Cobbler:

    • Similar to the Cranberry Cobbler, eat the Starlight Berry Cobbler to complete the challenge.


Upon completing the challenge, you will receive 250 S.C.O.R.E points. These points can be used to unlock various perks and bonuses in the game.

Tips and Locations

  • Cranberry Locations: Mac's Farm and Sunrise Field are excellent spots for cranberries.

  • Starlight Berry Locations: Black Mountain Ordnance Works is a good place to find Starlight Berries.

  • Wood Locations: Sylvie & Sons Logging Camp is a reliable spot for wood.

By following these steps, you can easily complete the "Eat a Cobbler, which is not a Pie" challenge in Fallout 76 and earn your rewards. Remember, while cobblers may resemble pies, they are distinct items with unique benefits in the game.